
MARKET SUMMARY REPORT Weaner Steers R & C Cavanagh Angus X297.2 c/kg - $806 /head Weaner Heifers Warrigal Farms Santa263.2 c/kg - $973 /head Pens of Weaners Males R Billiau Santa247.2 c/kg - $669 /head Background Steers Reed & Coulson Angus X321.2 c/kg - $1098 /head Feeder Steers Lockyer Cut Flowers Charolais X297.2 c/kg - $1367 /head Trade Steers R Hayes Charolais X276.2 c/kg - $1657 /head Heavy Cows A Claydon Charolais X206.2 c/kg - $1464 /head Pens of Heavy Cows OS Plumbing DroughtMaster206.2 c/kg - $1182 /head Medium Cows Rigby Station DroughtMaster209.2 c/kg - $1166 /head Pens of Store Cows TK Pix Family Trust Charolais X195.2 c/kg - $1184 /head Bulls Warrigal Farms Santa248.2 c/kg - $2668 /head

Agents Boyd O'Brien Bartholomew reported a yarding of 573 head. The imminent onset of winter saw cows and yearlings coming to hand in large numbers. Finished cattle in limited supply, again a reflection of the season. Prices affected accordingly with all classes meeting a reduced market. Store cows met with increased competition and saw prices firm on last weeks rates.


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