
MARKET SUMMARY REPORT WEANER STEERS C & L DAVY ANGUS371.2c/kg - $928 p/head WEANER HEIFERS W JOSEY BRAHMAN X291.2c/kg - $497 p/head FEEDER STEERS G PHILLIPS CHARBRAY367.2c/kg - $1395 p/head FEEDER HEIFERS P DOLAN SANTA279.2c/kg - $1150 p/head 4 TOOTH HEIFERS PARKDALE FARMING CHAROLAIS280.0c.kg - $1851 p/head 2/4 TOOTH OX BOONAROO PASTORAL CHAROLAIS X307.2c/kg - $1920 p/head POTENTIAL FOSTER COW BOYLAND FARMS JERSEY287.2c/kg - $1191 p/head PEN OF MEDIUM COWS M BAKER DROUGHTMASTER X257.2c/kg - $1414 p/head HEAVY COWS MEZZIES PLACE ANGUS244.2c/kg - $1544 p/head BULLS W & S NORTON ANGUS270.2c/kg - $2661 p/head

Agents Boyd O’Brien Bartholomew yarded of 446 head of cattle. Fewer cattle came to hand this week with more heavy export types penned. Trade yearlings sold at firm rates to last week. Prime 2 and 4 tooth ox were dearer than last week. Light and medium cows lost the gains of last week, but heavy cows were fully firm. A plainer selection of restockers and weaners suitable to return to the paddock sold to strong competition to be fully firm on last week’s strong sale.

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