
MARKET SUMMARY REPORT VEALER STEERS GOLDTHRILL PTY LTD BLONDE X177.2c/kg - $404 p/head VEALER HEIFERS D & G SCHMIDT LIMO147.2c/kg - $271 p/head BACKGROUNDER STEERS P & M DAY DROUGHTMASTER X179.2c/kg - $496 p/head BACKGROUNDER HEIFERS G & S ISSELL ANGUS X 145.2c/kg - $306 p/head FEEDER STEERS HANSEN FAMILY CHAROLAIS X188.2c/kg - $842 p/head FEEDER HEIFERS L BISCHOFF SANTA177.2c/kg - $576 p/head PASTURE OX P MAHONY DROUGHTMASTER X183.2c/kg - $1401 p/head MEDIUM COWS R NIXON RED BRAHMAN168.2c/kg - $841 p/head HEAVY COWS W & E LOGAN SANTA167.2c/kg - $1103 p/head BULLS D HIRN LIMO181.2c/kg - $1476 p/head

Agents Boyd O’Brien Bartholomew yarded 304 head with all regular buyers operating. Less heavy export cattle were penned but sold to fully firm rates. Light and inferior types again met limited competition. Trade cattle were scarce and were slightly dearer on last week’s rates. Yearling and weaner cattle made up the bulk of the offering and sold to local and western buyers at fully firm rates.


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