MARKET SUMMARY REPORT Weaner Males Behrendorff Droughtmaster x637.2c/kg $1295.64/head Light Weaner Steers M Ryan Limo x637.2/kg $1688.58/head Trade Feeder Steers B Turkington Brangus x543.2c/kg $1874.04/head Trade Feeder Steers Littlemore Farms Charolais x539.2c/kg $2028.74/head Export Feeder Steers Littlemore Farms Charolais x531.2/kg $2257.60/head Manufacturing Ox Brannigan Droughtmaster420.0c/kg $2331.00/head 4 Tooth Ox Brannigan Droughtmaster449.2c/kg $2515.52/head Heavy Cows J & J Huth Charbray x400.2c/kg $2441.22/head Heavy Cows AS & JC Lord Brahman x 400.2/kg $2261.13/head Heavy Cows David Gregor Santa x399.2c/kg $3013.96/head Medium Cows Pen TG & JM Ryan Charbray x386.2/kg $2148.24/head Dairy Culls P & M Scheu Friesian344.2/kg $2291.39/head Heavy Bulls B & M Scheiwe Droughtmaster372.2/kg $3312.58/head
Agents Boyd O’Brien Bartholomew reported a yarding of 270 head of cattle. A mixed yarding of cattle came to hand with the young cattle remaining unchanged on last weeks strong rates. Feeder and export cattle were in demand selling to a stronger market. Butcher trade cattle sold fully firm on last weeks rates for a small yarding of quality grain trade. Yearlings and vealers sold to a dearer market. Re-stocker steers and heifers sold inline with last weeks great results.
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