Agents Boyd O’Brien Bartholomew reported a yarding of 419 head. Where most descriptions sold to record prices for Moreton. Both export and trade feeder steers sold to new highs, whilst the feeder heifers are still in high demand with lesser number yarded. The export market was ten to fifteen cents dearer then last weeks exceptional market. The yearling and vealer cattle sold to a very strong panel of buyers competing strong to secure cattle to return to the paddock.
Agents Boyd O’Brien Bartholomew reported a yarding of 419 head. Where most descriptions sold to record prices for Moreton. Both export and trade feeder steers sold to new highs, whilst the feeder heifers are still in high demand with lesser number yarded. The export market was ten to fifteen cents dearer then last weeks exceptional market. The yearling and vealer cattle sold to a very strong panel of buyers competing strong to secure cattle to return to the paddock.

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