MARKET SUMMARY REPORT Weaner Heifers: I & C Coyne Limo x555.2c/kg - $1326.93/head Weaner Steers: W & P Adamson Charolais x649.2c/kg - $1545.10/head Trade Feeder Heifers: G & J Cahill Charolais x529.2c/kg - $1966.86/head Heavy Feeder Steers: Keith Duncan Angus x514.2c/kg - $2189.02/head Grain Fed Steers: P & N Blyton Limo x479.2c/kg - $2036.60/head 6 Tooth Steers: M & K Conroy Angus x405.2c/kg - $2552.76/head 4 Tooth Steers: Glenlee Farming Brahman x412.2c/kg - $2390.76/head 4 Tooth Heifers: C. Stephan Charolais x413.2c/kg - $1983.36/head 6 Tooth Heifers: Eric Ruhland Droughtmaster x394.2c/kg - $1793.61/head Heavy Pens of Cows: A. Walsh Hereford x359.2c/kg - $2173.16/head Heavy Cows: K & J Horrex Angus x367.2c/kg - $2239.92/head Heavy Cows: Nindethana Past Droughtmaster367.2c/kg - $2597.94/head Medium Cows: B & D & D Shirley Brahman343.2c/kg - $1716.00/head Heavy Bulls: A & M Marshall Angus 382.2c/kg - $3076.71/head
Agents Boyd O’Brien Bartholomew reported a yarding of 398 head of cattle. The export market this week reached new highs as numbers of heavy cattle shorten. The trade feeder market strengthened with quality lines of feeder heifers coming to hand achieving record results. Vealers and yearlings improved in value as restockers out-compete processors as quality lines are getting hard to secure. Grain fed were in short supply, those yarded sold exceptionally well.
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