
MARKET SUMMARY REPORT Weaner Heifers Joali P/L Droughtmaster$557.2c/kg $1399.97/head Weaner Steers MJ Horrocks Charbray X$579.2c/kg $1602.45/head Light Weaner Steers Judd Farming Charbray X$649.2/kg $843.96/head Manufacturing Ox A Brook Droughtmaster X$428.2c/kg $2954.58/head 4 Tooth Ox D Ryan Shorthorn X$444.2c/kg $2776.25/head 4 Tooth Heifers Clarefarm P/L Charolais X$435.2c/kg $2088.96/head Heavy Cows Clarefarm P/L Charbray X$387.2c/kg $2865.28/head Medium Cows Pen G & C Lynch Brahman$379.2c/kg $2035.45/head Dairy Culls L & A Taber Friesian$345.2c/kg $2968.72/head Heavy Bulls Craig Redgewell Droughtmaster X$370.2/kg $2646.93/head

Agents Boyd O’Brien Bartholomew reported a yarding of 328 head. A lesser quality yarding of mixed cattle came to hand. Due to good falls of rain across the local area last week all descriptions remained firm to dearer as numbers tighten. A handy yarding of export bullocks came to hand selling to a very strong panel of buyers. The cow market remained fully firm. Feeder cattle were in very short supply this week, those yarded sold well. Vealers remained solid on last week’s strong rates.

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