Weaner Steers | Roberts Bros Holding | Charolais X | 394.2c/kg - $733/head |
Weaner Heifers | Roberts Bros Holding | Charolais X | 322.2c/kg - $622/head |
Backgrounder Steers | Greenfields Pastoral | Droughtmaster X | 392.2c/kg - $1006/head |
Trade Feeder Steers | G. Busch | Simmental X | 349.2c/kg - $1342/head |
Grain Assist Steers | J & R Mercer | Charbray | 329.2c/kg - $2551/head |
2 Tooth Pasture Heifers | G & L Bischoff | Droughtmaster | 314.2c/kg - $1586/head |
4 Tooth Grain Heifers | J & R Mercer | Charbray | 315.2c/kg - $2038/head |
6 Tooth Ox | K & L Jackson | Charolais X | 317.2c/kg - $1919/head |
Pens of Cows | J & R Mercer | Charbray | 280.2c/kg - $1922/head |
Heavy Cows | R & B Toft | Droughtmaster X | 272.2c/kg - $1680/head |
Medium Cows | D & J Speedy | Droughtmaster X | 275.2c/kg - $1513/head |
Bulls | J & R Mercer | Charbray | 285.2c/kg - $2167/head |
Agents Boyd O’Brien Bartholomew reported an increased yarding of 504 head. The export market saw an increase of 5-10 cents a kilo on the better cows and bullock, with the plainer conditioned cows holding firm. Heavy bulls sold to improved rates. More trade cattle came to hand, selling to improved rates. A lesser quality line of weaners and yearlings were yarded and sold firm on last weeks rates.
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